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Solusi Document Management System

Kelola dokumen digital dengan mudah menggunakan Sistem Manajemen Dokumen (DMS), sederhanakan alur kerja Anda, dan tingkatkan efisiensi proses manajemen dokumen dengan solusi kontrol dan pengarsipan dokumen yang canggih.

Document Management System DMS Illustration

Amankan, Pastikan Kepatuhan, Akses Real-Time, dan Otomatisasi Dokumen Anda

DMS Software

Apa itu DMS?

Document Management System Software

Sistem Manajemen Dokumen adalah solusi untuk mengelola dokumen secara digital sepanjang siklus bisnis. Mulai dari pembuatan, tinjauan, publikasi, hingga penyimpanan, DMS memastikan akses yang mudah, efisiensi, dan integrasi yang mulus dengan sistem manajemen konten. Sistem ini menyederhanakan kontrol dokumen dan memungkinkan bisnis untuk menyimpan, mengelola, dan berbagi dokumen dalam format PDF, meningkatkan alur kerja dan produktivitas.

Document Management System (DMS) with workflow automation

Sistem Manajemen Dokumen dengan Siap Otomatisasi

Tetap produktif dan terkendali

Temukan keseimbangan antara kontrol dokumen dan efisiensi dengan Sistem Manajemen Dokumen (DMS) dan proses persetujuan bersyarat. Biarkan pembelian kecil dari vendor yang telah disetujui diproses melalui proses pengadaan otomatis, yang dikelola melalui software manajemen dokumen. Lindungi pembelian besar di atas jumlah tertentu dengan persetujuan wajib dari pengambil keputusan yang sah, memastikan pengelolaan dokumen yang terstruktur dan integrasi yang mulus dengan Sistem Manajemen Konten.

Tetap berjalan lancar

Tidak ada lagi keterlambatan karena cuti atau sakit, dan tidak ada celah dalam proses persetujuan. Permintaan persetujuan yang dikirim ke pemberi persetujuan yang tidak tersedia secara otomatis akan dialihkan ke pengganti mereka.

Otomatisasi persetujuan

Biarkan mesin persetujuan secara otomatis mengirimkan permintaan persetujuan yang diajukan kepada orang yang tepat berdasarkan peran mereka dalam proses, untuk memberikan atau menolak persetujuan dalam jangka waktu yang telah ditentukan.

Optimalisasi Dokumen Anda di Seluruh Perusahaan

Solusi ini menghubungkan berbagai jenis dokumen dan data secara cerdas dalam sistem dan proses yang Anda gunakan setiap hari.

Ambil informasi yang masuk, apapun format atau sumbernya, dan buatlah informasi tersebut dapat diakses dan digunakan.

Pengambilan Dokumen

Simplify how document is organized, accessed and used so your team can deliver better, faster results.

Document Management

Make your business processes better, not just faster, with smart automation that connect information across core systems and workflows.

Process Automation

Get products to market faster by efficiently storing, finding and activating digital assets like video, audio, and imagery.

Rich Media Management

Meet your strictest content compliance obligation while protecting againt data loss and cybersecurity risk.

Security and Governance


Legal document discovery icon

Legal Document Discovery

Manage litigation documents by classifying them for eDiscovery, legal hold, legal investigations, and other cases using an advanced Document Management System (DMS). This system ensures efficient document classification, enabling users to easily retrieve the necessary legal files, improve document organization, and enhance overall case management efficiency

Ensure Compliance

Adhere to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and other regulations. Documents with confidential information such as personally identifiable information (PII), and others can be classified as per defined regulations.

Deliver better customer experience icon

Deliver Better Customer Experience

​Classify and group customers' documents such as application forms, identity proofs, insurance certificates, claim forms, and others using a Document Management System (DMS). This enables faster processing of customer service requests, enhances document handling, and improves the overall customer experience.

Reduce Redundant, Obsolete, Trivial Data

Identify duplicate documents within the organization and delete them, resulting in reduced costs for managing and preserving redundant data.

Use Cases


Orgination & On Boarding

Retail & Commercial Lending

FATCA & CRS Compliance

Wealth Management

Trade Finance & Payment System


Correspondence Management

Agenda Management

Citizen Centric Services

Office Automation

Grants Management



Procure-to-Pay & Accounts Payable

HR-Hire to Retire

Order-to-Cash & Accounts Receivable

General Ledger

PO & Requisitions



Claims Management

Policy Owner Servicing

Provider Contract Management

Complaint Tracking & Grievance Management


Claims Management

Policy Owner Servicing

Service Request Management

Customer  Acquisition & Policy


Illustration of Document Management System (DMS) showing icons representing document management and organization. Focus on features like document storage, retrieval, sharing, and collaboration within organizations.

Focus and Functionality

A DMS focuses on managing and organizing documents and files within an organization. 


A DMS is typically used to manage and control documents throughout their lifecycle, including creation, storage, retrieval, sharing, collaboration, and archival. 

Data Management:

A DMS focuses on managing and organizing unstructured data, primarily documents and files. 


DMS can be integrated with other systems, such as CRM or project management tools, to facilitate document sharing and collaboration within specific workflows or processes.

Business Process Management

DMS Could integrated with all kind of Business Process Management system and focuses on document-centric processes

Document Management System With Enterprise Resource Planning

Illustration of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system integrated with Document Management System (DMS), showing how ERP manages structured business processes like finance, operations, and HR, while DMS handles unstructured data such as documents and files, enabling seamless data and workflow integration.

Focus and Functionality

An ERP system focuses on integrating and managing various core business processes and functions across an organization. 


An ERP system encompasses a broader range of business functions and processes. It integrates and manages data and workflows across different departments, such as finance, operations, sales, and HR. 

Data Management:

An ERP system manages structured and unstructured data across various business functions. It captures and stores data from different departments, integrates information, and provides real-time insights and analytics.


An ERP system integrates data and processes across different functional areas within the organization. It enables data sharing and collaboration between departments, eliminates data silos, and provides a holistic view of the business.

Business Process Management

An ERP system includes robust business process management capabilities. It streamlines and automates workflows, enables process standardization, and supports cross-functional collaboration.


Icon of a building representing the Client's Infrastructure deployment model with a perpetual license, where infrastructure is managed by the client on-site.

Client's Infrastructure

Cloud icon connected to multiple devices, representing the SI - Managed Cloud deployment model with an on-premises subscription, where the cloud is managed by a system integrator on the client’s premises.

SI - Managed Cloud
[On Premises Subscription]

Computer icon connected to the cloud, representing the Managed Cloud deployment model with a subscription-based service, where cloud infrastructure is fully managed by the service provider

Managed Cloud


"Illustration of Integration Use Case featuring ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and DMS (Document Management System) integration. Highlights how 10+ leading ERP and CRM systems, core financial systems, and utility/cloud applications like Outlook and Google Drive are integrated with Document Management Systems (DMS) for seamless data management. Shows integration methods including file upload/download, SOAP & REST web services, data extraction, Java messaging service bus, email/fax server integration, and database linking.

Manfaat Sistem Manajemen Dokumen
Keuntungan Menggunakan Sistem Manajemen Dokumen
Fitur Sistem Manajemen Dokumen
Fitur Pencarian Lanjutan Sistem Manajemen Dokumen
Panduan Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Dokumen
Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Dokumen Langkah Demi Langkah
Perbandingan Sistem Manajemen Dokumen
Perbandingan Sistem Manajemen Dokumen On-Premise vs Cloud
Panduan Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Dokumen Cloud
Panduan Migrasi ke Sistem Manajemen Dokumen Digital

document management system

document management system

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